Business to business repair and soldering solutions.

Speed up the process of repairing your customers devices.

We offer advanced soldering repairs on following brands:

You ask how can we help you?

Are your customers asking if you repair consoles, only to be disappointed when you don’t have the necessary soldering solutions? Say goodbye to turning away potential business. We’re here to help you.

At Just Solder It, we specialize in business-to-business repair and soldering solutions. With our expertise, we can swiftly repair consoles, iPads or iPhones and have them back in your customers’ hands within 24 hours.

Imagine the satisfaction of telling your customers, ‘Yes, we can fix your console!’ You’ll no longer lose customers to other repair shops. We understand the importance of speed and quality, ensuring that your customers’ devices are repaired efficiently and to the highest standard.

By partnering with us, you gain a trusted repair ally. Our skilled technicians are adept at diagnosing and solving hardware issues, providing you with a reliable solution to meet your customers’ needs.

Don’t miss out on valuable opportunities. Let us be your go-to repair partner, ensuring you never have to turn away console repair requests again. Join forces with Just Solder It and experience the convenience, efficiency, and satisfaction of working with professionals dedicated to supporting your business.

Contact us today and let’s embark on a successful repair partnership together.

Our Pricing

Our pricing structure is built to be affordable for everyone from small repair shop, to big network of repair shops.

Sony PlayStation

Starting from £25

-PS4 cleaning and HDMI repairs

-PS5 overheating and HDMI repairs


Starting from £25

Nintendo Switch

Starting from £25

– Nintendo Switch/Switch Light charging port, power management repairs

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